The Effect of Using Conventional VS Digital Oral Positional Radiation Stent on Healthy Oral Tissues

Document Type : Original articles


1 prosthodontics department, Faculty of dentistry, Tanta university, Tanta, El Garbia

2 Prosthodontics department, faculty of dentistry, Tanta university, Tanta, El Garbia

3 oncology department, faculty of medicine, Tanta university, Tanta, El Garbia

4 prosthodontics department, faculty of dentistry, Tanta university, Tanta, El Garbia


Aim: The study aimed to compare the effect of using conventional versus digi-tal oral positional radiation stents on healthy oral tissues.
Materials and Methods: Patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) were divided into two groups. Group A: oral positing radiation stent (OPRS) was constructed according to the conventional technique. Group B: OPRS was constructed digitally using CAD/CAM technology. Each patient was evaluated for Dosimetric analysis and assessment of mucositis.
Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups as regard the amount of radiation dose to organs at risk. In the mucositis assessment, there was a statistically significant difference with respect to the amount of radiation dose to organ at risk (OAR) by comparing the same patients using OPRS and without it, as the use of the stent led to a reduction in the amount of radiation dose to OARs. Severity of mucositis increased weekly, but it remains within the tolerable degree.
Conclusion: It was concluded that OPRS can be considered an important therapeutic modality for HNC patients’ immobilization, which decreases the intensity of radiation toxicity. The method used in the construction of OPRS has no effect on how efficiently it controls radiation exposure.


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