Validity of Panoramic Multilayer Imaging Program in the Diagnosis of Proximal Caries: An Ex-vivo Study

Document Type : Consort randomized clinical trials (RCT)


1 Department of oral & Maxillofacial radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams university, Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of oral & maxillofacial radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams university, Cairo, Egypt

3 Department of Oral& Maxillofacial diagnostic sciences, Faculty of dentistry, Taibah university, KSA

4 Department of oral &maxillofacial radiology faculty of dentistry Ain shams university, Cairo, Egypt


Aim: To verify the validity of panoramic multilayer imaging program in the diagnosis of proximal caries.
Material and methods: Formic acid was used to create artificial caries in 80 individual sound molars and premolars with various levels of decalcification. Multilayer imaging program and Extraoral bitewing were done using Vatech pax-I Insight machine (Vatech Co., Hwaseung Si, Korea). In total, 160 proximal surfaces were evaluated by two oral and maxillofacial radiologists twice. Area under the ROC curve for each image type, observer and reading were compared. For every observer and reading, calculations were made of sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV.
Results: The period of demineralization and the histological classification of carious surfaces of teeth exhibited a significant positive connection, according to Kendall's tau test. Both intraobserver reliability and interobserver agreement were moderate to strong for the two radiography procedures. P>0.05 indicates that there was no statistically significant difference between the two methods. When it came to detecting early proximal caries, extra-oral bitewing had the highest sensitivity and multilayer imaging program the highest specificity.
Conclusion: The two methods' differences in diagnostic accuracy were negligible within the confines of ex-vivo design. When intraoral radiography is not an option, multilayer imaging programs show promise in detecting proximal caries. Their results are equivalent to those of EO bitewing in terms of their capacity to decrease superimpositions.


Main Subjects