Accuracy of endodontic access guides printed by a cost-efficient 3D printer (An In Vitro Study)

Document Type : Original articles


1 Ain Shams University The British University in Egypt

2 Department of Oral Health and Dental Services, Primary Care, Ministry of health, Government Hospitals, Manama, kingdom of Bahrain


Aim: This study evaluated the precision and trueness of endodontic access guides fabricated using a cost-effective desktop LCD 3D printer compared to a higher-cost SLA printer for guided endodontics.
Materials and methods: Thirty-two root canals from Nissin typodont teeth were divided into two groups: LCD and SLA. Virtual planning was performed, and endodontic guides were fabricated using both 3D printing technologies. Pre-operative and post-operative cone beam tomography (CBCT) scans were taken, and the linear deviation between the planned and actual access paths was measured at two axial levels: the occlusal entry point and the canal orifice. Statistical analyses were conducted using independent samples t-test at α = 0.05.
Results: At the occlusal entry point, the SLA printer demonstrated significantly higher accuracy with lower linear deviations compared to the LCD printer (p < 0.05). However, at the canal orifice level, no significant difference in deviation was observed between the two groups. Both 3D printing technologies successfully detected all root canals without perforations, showing comparable precision at the orifice level.
Conclusion: Although the SLA printer exhibited better accuracy at the occlusal level, the cost-effective LCD printer provided comparable results at the orifice level. These findings suggest that LCD 3D printers are a viable option for guided endodontics; they offer a cost-efficient solution for in-office use with proper planning and template design.


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