Retention loss and Deformation of the Nylon Cap of Smart-Box Attachment System Retaining Mandibular Overdenture Supported by Two Malaligned Implants: An In-vitro Study

Document Type : Original articles


1 Prosthodontics, Cairo university

2 prosthodontics, Cairo university


Aim: To measure the effect of wear of nylon cap on the retention of OT equator smart box attachment system for mandibular overdenture supported by two malaligned implants when subjected to invitro chewing and insertion and removal cycles equivalent to 12 months.
Materials and methods: The current study included 3 groups, each group comprised 2 interformainal implants at the canine sites with different implant angulations. Group I (St-St) had two implant analogues parallel to each other, Group II (B-St) and Group III (D-St) had a 25 degrees buccal and distal implant angulations respectively. A smart box attachment was used for retaining the dentures for all groups. All models of the study groups were subjected to 150 000 in-vitro chewing cycles along with 1440 cycles of overdenture insertion and removal, which is clinically equivalent to 12 months of denture use. Wear was evaluated using digital microscopy and retention was measured using the universal testing machine before (T0) and after (T12) in-vitro chewing simulation.
Results: It was revealed that Group I (St-St) showed the greatest amount of deformation 1.18mm2 followed by Group III (D-St) 0.87mm2 then Group II (B-St) 0.79mm2.  As regards to the retention values Group I showed the greatest loss of retention (9.71N) followed by Group III (6.9N) then Group II (3.12N).
Conclusion: The Smart box OT equator attachment showed equivalent performance in extreme implant deviations as axially straight ones. Adjacent aligned and malaligned implant attachment nylon caps display similar deformation values after 1 year of denture use.


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